Pant-legs and Pocket-watches
My father, Kennith Chism (or, "Kenny" to his family), grew up in the foothills and creek-beds of Izard and Stone County, Arkansas during the 60's and 70's. Oftentimes, he and his three older brothers would have to share a room in the family's small farmhouse. As you can imagine, some of the scuffles that broke out were pretty entertaining!

Eighteen-year-old Melvin (the second-oldest brother) had recently saved up his earnings and bought a brand new pocket-watch! It was so shiny and expensive! He showed it off pretty regularly and made sure everyone new about his recent purchase-especially his brothers.
On this particular afternoon, all four brother were in their bedroom. My then ten-year-old father was involved in a heated debate with his oldest brother-Paul (around age 20), while the other two boys-Melvin and Cecil, observed. Paul was a big man-well over 6 feet, but gentle. He was, however known to tease his kid brothers for a laugh now and again. Since Kenny was prone to a young boy's temper, his older brothers found delight in his occasional goading.
And so, being in the right frame of mind to do so... he did so!
Now, being the youngest boy in the family equips you with specific skills to survive. One of these, is how to throw a proper temper tantrum. And so, being of the right frame of mind to do so.... he did so!
In no time flat, he was red-faced and fightin' mad! The other brothers would later jest about "smoke coming out of his ears"! This poor young man had suffered his last indignity at the hands of his own kin!
Kenny grabbed the closest thing to him and aimed to get a surprise attack in on Paul. Looking down at what he had snatched, he realized he had the bottom of somebody's pant-legs! One end in each fist! A lucky grab! He swung as hard as he could up at his mountain of a brother and was looking to catch him upside of his laughing head with the 'seat end' of those pants!
Without warning, the pants straightened out, causing a shiny object to launch from a front pocket.
All four boys watched as this unexpected object flew with the speed of a jet and shattered against the wall!
There laid Melvin's pocket-watch in a thousand pieces, on the floor!
Dad always ends this story with a twinkle in his eye and a chuckle-
"Melvin wasn't too proud of that watch after that! Or me!"

Christine Dale is the proud "fish wife" to owner and fishing guide of Reel Fish Guide Service, Jake Dale. The two have five children together and enjoy sharing their love of family and outdoors in the beautiful country surrounding Lake Norfork.